The fourth community sustainability forum was held in July 2023 here at Whatley Manor.
General Manager Sue Williams and Sustainability Officer Florence Yu, welcomed representatives from the local councils of Malmesbury, Tetbury and Sherston, and a cross section of local sustainability groups and businesses were in attendance.
The evening began with Sue introducing Whatley’s net zero goals and sustainability initiatives taken on the property and kicked the topic  “How to reduce food waste”. Keith Freegard from Wiltshire Climate Action shared some interesting statistics describing the global food energy flow and green house gas emissions according to different food types. The discussions from the attendees was inspirational.
During the evening we learnt about the Malmesbury and Tetbury Community Fridges, which have both successfully saved and redistributed surplus food within the community. Malmesbury Community Fridge has saved more than seven tonnes, which is the weight of an adult elephant.
Additionally, Fred’s Organic-Vegan Farming and B-Corp member Tracklements  incorporate the management of food waste as part of their business goals.
These community events are essential for promoting sustainability and learning from each other. Attendees are able to take away valuable knowledge that can help them reduce their own environmental impact.
One of the highlights shared on the night is that the average family throws away £470 worth of uneaten food each year. This has to be something that motivates us all to do better.
Top tips for reducing food waste at home from Friends of the Earth
- Surplus food is not waste – use food apps to help you save food that might otherwise be wasted
- Love your leftovers, don’t let anything go to waste, reuse for another meal
- Plan and store food to reduce wastage
- Recycle your food waste
- Compost
- Ferment
Recommended reading on the topic of reducing food waste includes the Food chapter in Mike Berners Lee’s book ‘There is no Planet B’ (version 2) published in 2021.
Thank you to the following for attending:
Councillors from Wiltshire, Malmesbury & Sherston, sustainability representatives from Wiltshire Climate Alliance, Fruitful Malmesbury, Sustainable Sherston, Greening Tetbury, U3A, Malmesbury Repair Cafe as well as local businesses, Fred’s Organic Farm and  B-Corp member Tracklements.